After publish the benefit/advantage of homeschooling,now I would like to share about What is The Disadvantages of public/regular schooling?
When we charge our youngster/children or teenager to public schoolings, we feel fulfilled or satisfied
that they are getting 'superior education'. But, are we really
getting our money's valuable or worth? More significantly, are the children
Acquiring anything from this kind of a learning process?
Do you know What is The Disadvantage of public schooling?
Maybe you will found many advantage in public schooling,but i will explain all about the disadavantages of public schooling.
Socialisation or enculturation is acclaimed as one of the biggest advantage of
schools. This is the space or place where the child picks up the basics
of social acquirements that help him survive. But in truth, a regular
school-going child can interact only with his matches. They may bully
younger children or fear senior ones. They doesn't know how to
Conduct with an adult. This is because in the school environment
they interacts only with his matches. A homeschooling environment
brings in a more fresh,natural and unaffected social environment.
A public or regular school going child can't read literature. They can't
Keep on silent or think deep about anybody . The artificial
'busy'ness imposed upon them by the school disallows quiet
Reflexion. Bully and destructive behaviour, as found among matches/
peers, is more detectable in school-goers.
There's little long-standing cognition among regular/public school goers
because most things are studied for the test or examination. There is no
correlation of facts with life. The child could recognise a lot, but
understands very little. This is where the homeschoolers get the
regular/public school goers or departers. Finally, homeschoolers emerge more adept
at confronting the outside world.If you have other opinion or maybe experience in The Disadvantages of public/regular schooling,please comment.